About me

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My name is Aditya Kumar Dwivedi. I am from India. Currently, I am a Final year MCA. Computer Science student at Pranveer singh Institute of Technology, India. My passion of problem solving carried me through programming. Programming is what keeps me at night and my passion remains it. Also, I believe computer applications can improve the quality of life in this world.


Master of Computer Applications

(2022 - 2024)
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Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology , India

Core Sub: Data Structure and algorithm analysis, Web Dev., Comp. Networks, Network Security, DBMS

BSc. in Mathematics and Physics

(2019 - 2022)
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Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, India

Core Sub: Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Complex Analysis, Optimization Theory, Linear Algebra

Higher and Senior Secondary Education

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Uttar Pradesh State Board of High School and Intermediate Education

Core Sub: Mathematics ,Physics, Chemistry and English.

Technical Knowledge


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python logopython
js logoJavaScript
html logoHTML
css logoCSS
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javafx logoJavaFX
flask logoflask
pandas logopandas
jquery logojquery
react logoReact.js
bootstrap logoBootstrap
git logoGit


intellij logoIntellij
pycharm logopycharm
jupyter notebook logoJupyter
vs code logoVscode
sublime text logoSublime
xampp logoXampp
git desktop logoGitdesktop